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How Glucas and YEAFFT are related

YEAFFT (YEt Another Fast Fourier Transform) is a library designed to perform integer multiplication of very big numbers using FFT (Fast Fourier Transforms). This library is written based on this paper. It is mostly a C-coded library, but it has lots of assembler macros for GNU/gcc assembler call style for x86 processor family.

Glucas is an application using YEAFFT in a very optimized way. It is the first program using the YEAFFT library, and because it is written by the same authors as YEAFFT, it squeezes this library in a very efficient way. The main goal of Glucas is to analyze Mersenne numbers checking whether they are prime numbers.

There are differences between the copying licenses of both codes. YEAFFT is a GPL licensed library (See GPL license.), while the Glucas specific code is free. (See Copying.)