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Who contributed to this code

Guillermo Ballester Valor has written most of the code, both YEAFFT and Glucas. First drafts are from April 2000. Klaus Kastens has joined the project from release 2.8b, July-2001. He has made a great work.

There are other people who have contributed to make this code possible in several ways:

Glucas specific code is an adaptation of Richard Crandall lucdwt.c, Sweeney MacLucasUNIX.c and Will Edgington mers package.

Ernst W. Mayer suggested to write a specific C-coded FFT package based on Richard Crandall paper scheme. He kindly gave Guillermo a telnet account on his machines, and Glucas-YEAFFT also has some ideas borrowed from his excellent f90 code Mlucas.

George Woltman, the heart of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search He has written prime95, the fastest code for Pentium ever seen. The speed of this code has been the wanted milestone in the design of YEAFFT.

The alignment of doubles on stack, using GNU/GCC compiler on intel x86 has been a problem. It is almost the most important thing which affect to performance. Thanks to FFTW developer team to point at the solution. Actually, YEAFFT uses its tricks to align the stack.

B.J. Beesley has made a great QA work. He also told us the way how to include assembler prefetch hints in Compaq-c compiler for alphas, and reported several smaller bugs.

Tom Cage has made an excellent work as a beta tester and also ported Glucas to Mac OS.

Thomas Perrier also helped tuning and building binaries for Mac OS X.

Gregory Matus, who reported memory problems under OpenBSD.