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Version 2


Every day, the length of numbers being analyzed in GIMPS contest grows and grows, and so, the time needed to perform a Lucas-Lehmer test. An user can be tired of search, buy a new machine or change the client. In all cases, it would be nice having an interchangeable format to avoid loosing many CPU hours.

Glucas program can use this format and so, the save files can be used by all platforms ( 32/64 bits, BIG-ENDIAN / LITTLE-ENDIAN) with two complement integer arithmetic. Reading and writing this kind of files is a bit slower than other formats (it cost about half a L-L iteration) but how often do we read/write a save file ?.

What follows is a brief description of the format.

System compatibility requirements

The minimum requirements needed to read or write a save file with the proposed format are:

The format.

The save file is divided into blocks of 8-bytes length. Every block must be considered as a 64-bits unsigned integer type.

    byte 0:  bits 7-0 . First position in file (least significant byte)
    byte 1:  bits 8-15
    byte 2:  bits 16-23
    byte 3:  bits 24-31
    byte 4:  bits 32-39
    byte 5:  bits 40-47
    byte 6:  bits 48-55
    byte 7:  bits 56-63  last position in file (most significant byte)

The blocks are:

BLOCK 0: bytes 1-8 .Format version
This is reserved to identify the file as a Interchangeable Mersenne Residue File Format.
bytes 0-4: The signature 0x006A64B1. This is the hexadecimal
           representation of 6972593 (the last known Mersenne
           prime exponent when development of this format
bytes 4-7: the version. This is version 2. So 0x00000002

BLOCK 1: bytes 9-16 .Program identification
This is reserved to identify the program and version which generate the file. As an orientation, the proposal is:
byte 0: the program:
     Example. Byte 2 of block 0 can be, in hexadecimal
              0x11 for prime95/mprime
              0x22 for Mlucas
              0x33 for Glucas
bytes 1-3: the version. Every program should use these three bytes
           in its own format.
byte 4: What the residue is:
        0 : Lucas-Lehmer test residue.
        1 : p-1 residue.
        2 : A general mersenne residue,
        (example : a residue in a ECM factorization).
bytes 5-7: at the moment set two 0. Reserved for future use.

BLOCK 2: bytes 17-24. Exponent.
This block is changed from version 1. In version 1 the exponent occupied the complete block. Now the upper half has other information.
Bytes 0-3: The exponent of the Mersenne number, e.g, 657849 for
           M657849. Unsigned integer format.

Bytes 4-7: The optional shift account. To get the proper residue,
           it has to be rotated to the right this number of bits.
           In a non rotated version it is set to 0.

BLOCK 3: bytes 25-32. The FFT runlength used if any.
An integer indicating the FFT run-length, in size_of_reals, used to compute the residue saved. Actually, it is only an informative data, every binary can continue the work with a FFT-runlength according to their own accuracy capabilities.

BLOCK 4: bytes 33-40. Iteration / B1 LIMIT.
In a L-L test: The iteration of the Lucas-Lehmer test saved. This is important to unify:
        4 would be the iteration 0
        14 would be the iteration 1

If the starting point L(0) is not 4, like prime95 does, the residue should be rotated according with the number of bits read in block 2. Once rotated L(0)=4, L(1)=14 and so on.

In a P-1 factorization it must be the B1 limit.

For other uses it is undefined.

Block 5: bytes 41-48. Round off Error
In a L-L test: the round off error of the iteration being saved. Because we need to store it in integer format, the error is transformed according to:
error_saved = (unsigned int)(fabs(frac_roundoff_err) * 1000000.0)

For other kinds of residues it is yet undefined. (may be a B2 limit)

Blocks 6 to 5+N: bytes 49 to N*8+48: The residue
This part contains the residue. It is stored in compact two-complement integer form, using all the blocks needed to store the q bits of the Mersenne Number Mq. The needed N blocks can be easily computed by
N := floor ( (q-1)/64 + 1)

The unused bits (if any) in the last block must be filled by zeroes. The first block of the residue (first on file) will contain bits 0-63, the second 64-127 and so on.

Block 6+N: bytes N*8+49 to N*8+56: The last carry.
In the normalization process from the float array in DWT to the compact integer form, one must play with a carry propagation. After the last float DWT array element has been transformed, it remains a last carry one needs to add to the residue (usually only to the first bits). If the write routines already have written the first residue blocks (to save memory) this blocks should need to be read again. To avoid this problem, this block contains the last carry.

NOTE: The last carry, if non-zero, usually is -1, so all the bits are zeroes or ones. Glucas adds the last carry to the residue before writing, so this block always is zero.

Block 7+N: bytes N*8+57 to N*8+64: The sum check control.
This block contains the sum of the previous blocks mod(2^32 - 1). It is easy and fast to compute with both 32 and 64 bits scheme.

Blocks 8+N to the end of file: UNDEFINED YET
More blocks can be added at the end of the file. This part of file can be used for purposes like a brief history of the machines/users and errors from the beginning of work to the actual state.