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Download, configure, make and installing Glucas

Glucas source and binaries are available from the download area at You also can download older binaries here.

You can either choose to download a prebuilt binary suitable for your OS/system or build your own binary from the source code.

Installing a prebuilt binary

This is the easiest solution, you only have to download, unzip, make a short selftest and move the binary to your preferred directory.

Once you've downloaded the zipped binary file Glucas-version.CPU.OS.tar.gz you need to uncompress using tar and gzip. On UNIX like systems

tar zxf Glucas-version.CPU.OS.tar.gz

or in two seperate steps

gzip -d Glucas-version.CPU.OS.tar.gz
tar xf Glucas-version.CPU.OS.tar

This will create a directory Glucas-version.CPU.OS, containing the executable Glucas and some short documentation. It is recommended to run a short selftest (See Selftest.).

cd Glucas-version.CPU.OS
./Glucas -s [small | big | huge | enormous | primenet | all]

If successful you could move Glucas to one of your systems binary directories (i.e. /usr/local/bin/ or ~/bin/).

mv Glucas  /your_Glucas_directory_path

Make sure this directory is in your environments PATH, otherwise you always have to execute it with the PATH preceded. (i.e. /usr/local/bin/Glucas).

Building your own binary.

This section is for users who want (or need) to build their own binary from the source code. If you're not skilled in these things, you might find it somewhat difficult. At the moment, it is not easy to build and install for non-UNIX/Linux platforms. It requires editing some files.

Anyway, the usual ./configure and make procedure works for most Processors/OS. This should build a binary tuned for your system. For systems not detected by the configure script, there will be a warning displayed, but in most cases it should nevertheless be possible to use make and build a binary (Though not tuned for your system).